If you’ve recently moved to Meridian, Idaho, and are looking for a “family dentist near me,” we’d like to invite you to visit our dental office. Mint Dental offers comprehensive dental care services for your entire family. By scheduling a new patient dental exam, you can kickstart your stay with a clean, healthy smile to greet all your new neighbors! Here’s what you can expect from Dr. Kevin Pulsipher and our team upon your initial visit!
New Patient Dental Exam
New patients are treated with meticulous care at our facility, starting with a comprehensive new patient dental exam to thoroughly evaluate the health of their mouth, gums, and teeth. It’s our hope that this exam will be your first step toward establishing a long-term working relationship with our skilled dental team.
Our new patient dental exams include the following:
- Review of Medical History – We’ll review your health history to include chronic illnesses, medications you’re taking, dietary restrictions, etc., to get a clearer picture of your overall health
- Review of Dental History – We’ll discuss dental issues and treatments you’ve had in the past to learn more about your dental care
- Dental Concerns and Goals – We’ll ask about dental issues you’re currently experiencing so we can look into these during your exam. We’ll also talk about long-term goals you’d like to achieve for your oral health
- Full Mouth X-rays – Dr. Pulsipher may order a full set of digital x-rays to give us a clear picture of the state of your teeth. X-rays will reveal hidden oral issues that need addressing, such as deep-rooted decay or bone loss caused by gum disease
- Oral Cancer Screening – Your new patient dental exam includes an oral cancer screening to detect signs of this deadly disease. This checkup is quick and painless but essential for your oral and overall health
- Dental Evaluation – This is a thorough evaluation of the state of your gums and teeth. We’ll check past dental work like fillings, crowns, and implants to ensure they’re in good shape. We’ll examine your teeth for signs of infection, decay, or other irregularities. We’ll test your bite to detect alignment problems with your upper and lower teeth. We’ll also check your gum health, as problems with gum recession or periodontal disease can lead to premature tooth loss
After your comprehensive exam, we’ll discuss any issues we’ve uncovered so you can schedule follow-up visits to address them. By dealing with dental problems like cavities and gingivitis (early gum disease) quickly, you can keep them from escalating into major issues that require lengthy treatment.
Prompt dental treatment will also preserve the health and beauty of your teeth. For your convenience, you can also schedule a dental cleaning with your new patient dental exam to avoid an extra visit for this service.
Family Dentist Near Me
To schedule a new patient dental exam with your Meridian, ID family dentist “near me,” contact Dr. Kevin Pulsipher from Mint Dental today at (208) 900-4669.
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